As an artist I choose to perceive my surroundings through two prisms, visual and contextual. The visual informs me of the decisions to be made in order to reflect the context to best of my ability. The context is the tricky part as it usually doesn’t have a specific shape or form, rather it is formed through our perception that usually reflects our interests. As a photographer I am forced to foresee the majorities perception and make the decision accordingly to my findings as it is expected of me by the audience.

My role as an artist is a bit different as I am still in search of what it actually is and how I want to pursue it. The attraction towards a context as a lead reoccurs yet in this case I sense more freedom and flexibility. The viewer becomes more of an observer rather than a consumer, I become the one who sets the rules.

The idea of writing is something quite abstract to me. Despite it being quite irritating at times I find this process calming as it is the easiest and the most accessible way to express myself. As academic writing is something rarely enjoy I often find myself scribbling random ideas or simply trying to make sense of my plans that one day may grow into something else.

I am not the one who would refer to himself in the third person. I want you to see what I create from my perspective and to feel equal with me. I am not the one who would argue about values or opinions in-fact, I'm the one in need of feedback.